Decaline// Four Kings One War - Virtual Reality
Save 100% on Four Kings One War - Virtual Reality on Steam
A Strategy game designed to suit the modern mind. Control TWO armies as though they were one and get TWO moves per turn. Experience what it is like to be deep in a native New Zealand bush, experience the spectacular scenery and beautiful bird song while yo
몇일전 올렸던 Four Kings One War의 VR버전 확장판 DLC입니다.
VR버전이므로 요구 사양이 매우 높습니다.(gtx 1070)
혹시라도 기존 버전을 안받으신 분들은
Save 100% on Four Kings One War on Steam
Four Kings One War is a 1 or 2 player strategy game inspired by chess. Each player controls two armies as though they were one and get's two moves per turn. This opens up guerrilla style tactics and hidden attacks. This is strategy for the modern mind, out
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체스를 기반으로 한 보드게임이며, 4명끼리 한 보드판에서 싸우는 특이한 구조입니다.
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